About the Energy Alignment Method

A Simple Concept

  • EAM is simple.
  • EAM is (w)holistic.
  • EAM straddles Eastern healing philosophies and Western neuroscience.
  • EAM creates seismic shifts in your energy and changes your electromagnetic frequency or “signature” to attract bigger and better results.
  • EAM is a self-help tool that you can use anytime, anywhere – once you start using it on a consistent basis it gets easier and easier to get back in flow.
  • EAM is your key to resilience, happiness and success.

If you’ve ever dreamt of something better, but don’t know how and what to do to get it, this is your strategy.  The strategy of energy alignment and transformation.

Getting your energy at the right frequency and in the right place, is more than just doing breathing exercises, meditations and affirmations. It’s about doing the work on yourself with an easy to follow 5-step energy alignment system.

This practice method that taps into your energy in all its forms and on all levels (conscious and sub-conscious) frees you from the treadmill of bad habits, negative beliefs, feelings and thoughts. It retunes the brain and heart so that they work more in sync and function at a higher vibrational frequency.

Why is this important, you may ask? Achieving a high vibration makes you positively attract the good things in life (including the right people, circumstances and opportunities) and allows you to achieve more with less stress and far less effort.

Even when you get knocked askew by what someone says or does or when something happens that you feel is beyond your control (although even these happen less frequently the higher you vibrate), the energy alignment method quickly brings you back on track.

This is the journey I take my clients on to improve their self-appreciation, creating inner conviction of their powers, building confidence on the inside and outside in order to clearly define their purpose and make the ripple effects in their lives and the lives of those they touch.

EAM works with an Emotional Scale – identifying where you are in relation to a particular scenario/issue, releasing this and moving you further up the energetic emotional scale.

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To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

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To allow the money to flow with greater ease and speed.

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I'm ready!

To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

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