
Is Money the Root of all Evil?
Is Money the Root of all Evil?

It’s particularly important right now that we dislodge some of the old paradigms and beliefs around money and wealth creation.

We find ourselves in the midst of a cost of living crisis – but how much of that is manufactured? And are we being deprived of our wealth consciousness and ability to create wealth from the inside out?

I encourage to read more and please do let me know your views and thoughts on this topic. Thank you!

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Count Your Blessings – The Power of Gratitude
Count Your Blessings – The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is such an important practice to incorporate into our day to day lives – not just from the point of view of feeling better: enhancing mood, confidence, self-esteem and health, but also from a manifesting perspective. It’s an attitude connected to accepting that we are enough and that we are worthy of the fulfilment of our dreams.

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Myths and Truths of Manifestation
Myths and Truths of Manifestation

There are many who are sceptical of manifestation and the Law of Attraction and with reason. Because they’ve been misguided or have been told half the truth of how manifestation works. In this article I debunk a few myths and also explain my 6 tips for successful manifestation. Hold true to this practice and watch the results unfold.

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Faith in Unseen Forces
Faith in Unseen Forces

Faith in our God-given powers and in the energetic forces that are within and around us is the master key to manifestation. If you’re not manifesting your desires (the Spirit-inspired intentions for your life), then either you haven’t paid the right attention to the way your energy is oscillating (it has to be at a high emotional frequency to attract anything positive) or you do not hold the faith. In other words, you do not truly believe that your wish is already fulfilled in a quantum and spiritual realm and is on its way to you.

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Why Expect So Little?
Why Expect So Little?

Sometimes we programme ourselves to expect less from life, because of past disappointments or because we don’t think we deserve it. But when we cling to the illusions, we deny ourselves a promise of a beautiful life. By expecting more, you send a positive and clear vibrational message to your subconscious mind and to the Universe to bring about that which you believe in with steadfast faith and gratitude.

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The Energy of Success
The Energy of Success

If success is eluding you, then you’re not in the energy of success. For to embrace success we have to be on the frequency of success. What does this mean? It means a state of flow energy, a state of confidence, self-belief and trust. It requires a daily commitment to developing yourself to be the best version of you, to let go of what does not serve you and embrace fully all the creative powers within you.

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Your Easter Gift of New Life
Your Easter Gift of New Life

If you are living a life of lack and not fulfilling your creative potential, you are unconsciously creating your reality through the message you feed your subconscious mind. Now is the time to reflect and take stock of your life. Easter is a time for rebirth and renewal. Reinvent yourself by taking control of your subconscious mind and the messages you feed it, by activating self-awareness and your super-conscious, intuitive mind that is your zone of genius. Be the creator of your new destiny: one that is filled with abundant love, wealth and well-being. This article will tell you how to do that.

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Ikigai – As Easy As Sunday Morning
Ikigai – As Easy As Sunday Morning

This article explores ikigai not just as a 4-step process of discovering purpose, but as an attitude and philosophy of life – a way of living.
It’s about a positive, easy-going attitude and a high degree of emotional awareness. Positivity is connected to mental and emotional resilience – a type of serenity that detaches from resistance. It’s a particularly important philosophy and attitude when the going gets tough (as Viktor Frankl discovered).
We can learn much from the residents of Ogimo – the town of Okinawa, which has the Guinness record of life longevity. They create moments of micro-flow: carrying out small, unhurried ritualistic tasks that calm the mind, seeking fun and joy in their daily activities, and embracing a community spirit that nurtures, supports and provides relevance and meaning.

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You are the Genie in the Lamp
You are the Genie in the Lamp

As children we believe in the magical and mystical. As adults we’ve stopped believing: we’ve become sceptics, anchored to the 3D realm of science, facts and physical matter. However, what if we truly believed we are a genie, simply by harnessing the power of praise? Praise not of the conventional sort (aq reverence, a petition or supplication), but of a type that is connected to exalted gratitude, faith and expectation that we are entitled to live a life of health, wealth and happiness.

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Confidence – Nature or Nurture?
Confidence – Nature or Nurture?

I talk about my own battles with shyness and how I came through certain challenges to become stronger in my own self-worth and confidence. Confidence, even if you believe some are born with it and some without, is a skill and capability that can be nurtured – a muscle that can be flexed and strengthened. It requires effort to push through the initial fear barriers of not being good enough, fear of failure, fear of being criticised, fear of being judged. Once you break through, the exhilaration you enjoy makes it all worth while and you find it easier to break through the next fear barrier. Thus, confidence, self-belief and self-esteem grow in the actual doing rather than in the contemplation of doing.

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To make 2023 my best year ever - to create results with ease and flow

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To activate money flow with ease and speed

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To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

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I'm so ready and excited!

To allow the money to flow with greater ease and speed.

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I'm ready!

To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

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