

Empowered to Rise

Do you feel like you’re floating in a state of uncertainty, stuck, doubtful, and unsure about the future?

Then this is your answer. A unique 8-week transformational program founded on energetic and scientific laws to free you from feeling stuck in life and from challenging setbacks.

Discover a proven method designed to help you restore clarity, confidence, self-belief, and a strong sense of purpose, as well as provide you with the tools to create (manifest) whatever you desire in your life.


This program spans 8 weeks of incredible content and 1:1 mentoring to help you understand what’s holding you back in life and what clarity you need to fulfil your dreams and ambitions.

You also get to stay in a community of like-minded women for a 10 further months, where ongoing self-development, mutual encouragement, motivation and support are provided to help you stick to your aligned path to ultimate self-fulfilment, success and happiness.


4 + 1 bonus 1:1 mentoring calls with me to walk you through the energy alignment and manifestation process.

Self-paced training videos to help you understand your energy and the physical and spiritual laws that you need to apply to positive effect so that you move away from negative and into positive creation.

Meditations to support flow energy.

Weekly group accountability calls via Zoom.

Your unique alignment ritual and additional alignment resources.

12 month membership of a Facebook community for ongoing support and biweekly learning (via Zoom calls).


You move more consistently into a state of flow, where you gain greater clarity, insight,  confidence and connection to purpose.

Your external world will shift and reflect your inner world of harmony and high vibration energy. You will attract and manifest what you desire. Success in all areas of your life will be inevitable.


EAM Mentoring

This is for you to get you out of the ashes of your life and into transformation.  If you’re in a place of lack, disillusionment, or feeling that your progress in life is hampered in any way, then this 1:1 energy mentoring using the Energy Alignment Method can be your escape hatch. I will help you shift the negatives that are impeding you and help transition you to a more expansive state of being, where you rise up and get to live your best life ever. We change the inside to get the change we want to see on the outside.


The EAM system works by using your body as a pendulum or biofeedback mechanism to give you answers to questions regarding your current energy state.

We tailor the questions using words that “speak to you/your energy” and that address your particular challenges in life. We release using a special mantra whatever resistance is lurking either on the surface or on a deeper sub-conscious level.

We check that it is released and then align to a more positive state of being and feeling. The aim is to raise your energy frequency to a higher vibration consistent with positive change and results.


1:1 Phoenix energy transformation package consists of a minimum of 6 sessions (each lasting approximately 90 minutes depending on what needs clearing at the time). These will be conducted via Zoom and recorded for your benefit to help you continue the practice afterwards.

You will also be supported with custom scripts and instructions to support you in between sessions.

If you’re unsure whether this is for you, you can try it out with a single taster session first.


With a little consistency, you will experience the following benefits:

  • greater clarity and direction in your life/work
  • more positive mindset and improved mood, i.e. enhanced feelings of wellbeing
  • increased resilience when things go wrong (although these incidents diminish the more you do this inner work)
  • increased creativity and inspiration
  • feeling more empowered and confident in your own abilities
  • greater self-acceptance and self-compassion
  • manifestation of positive events, people and circumstances in your life.

The Aligned Passionpreneur

For any new and/or struggling entrepreneurs and coaches who have been frustrated by lack of progress and success in their life and business. 

On completing this 90-day journey you’ll wake up feeling in flow and fully in your element. You’ll have a sustainable flow of money coming to you…

….without all the stress, frustration and burnout that you experienced in the past

….without having to tackle an endless to-do list

….without having to master a complex strategy and knowing everything there is to know in marketing and selling

….without worrying that nobody is going to buy from you.

You’ll be doing a business that you totally are aligned to: you’ll love every minute of it – it doesn’t even feel like work at all!

You believe in yourself, you know you’re unstoppable! Freedom, flexibility and fulfilment are your new buzzwords.

You’ll start trusting that your dreams of building your ideal home, of getting to travel more, of supporting your loved ones, of contributing to meaningful causes, are totally within reach.


The 90-day course is split into the three stages:

  • Stage 1: From Stuck to Activated and Empowered –

    The first part of your journey will be to detach yourself from all energetic resistances (particularly the shackles of the past) that are stopping you from moving forwards – believe me, more goes on under your “hood” (in your subconscious mind) than you are consciously aware of.

    You’ll also clarify if there are any patterns that are clouding your ability to think and act intuitively and in alignment with your soul’s purpose.

  • Stage 2: Your Enlightened Vision & Mission –

    The second chapter is about identifying and validating your new path and vision. You will more firmly connect to your soul’s purpose and how that is to be enacted in your (new) business.

  • Stage 3: Levelling up to Success and Fulfilment –

    The third and final stage of your journey will be to build your business through energetically aligned marketing and selling (you move into “serving” energy). This means, you get to do so in a way that fits your unique energetic blueprint – there’s no stress or strain, it feels comfortable and non-pressurised. You’ll learn some neat tricks on how best to zoom in on your talents, audience, how to connect with them more powerfully and getting them to “eat out of your hand”.


The course will feature easy to follow videos, journal prompts and workbooks to help you learn and implement each lesson.

You have access to me via email, a dedicated and intimate Facebook group as well as weekly Zoom calls for any questions or for hot seat support.

You will be entitled to an 6 intensive EAM coaching sessions with me which are paced throughout the 90 days according to your needs as well as a BONUS session after completion of the journey to help you advance and achieve the transformation you desire.


A rapid results course to get you from a place of being stuck (with very little financial certainty for the future), to building an energetically aligned business in the online space that can give you quite simply a new lease of life, a sense of self-belief and more freedom and choice for the future.

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I'm ready!

To make 2023 my best year ever - to create results with ease and flow

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Magnetise Your Money Flow-Opt-In

I'm ready!

To activate money flow with ease and speed

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I'm ready!

To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

Congratulations! You've successfully been added to the Invite list! Please do check your spam and promotion folders for the email invite which will be sent around a minute after sign-up. The email will include both the Zoom call link and a link to download the accompanying workbook which will be invaluable to you in your intuitive decision-making practice.


I'm so ready and excited!

To allow the money to flow with greater ease and speed.

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I'm ready!

To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

Congratulations! You've successfully been added to the attendee list! Please do check your inbox, spam or promotion folders for the confirmation email which includes the Zoom link and the link to download the accompanying workbook, which will be an important companion to you in your decision-making process.

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