Intensive Money Creative

  • You’ve tried so many methods and strategies to create more wealth in your life, but with very limited success.
  • You’d love to have the financial flexibility to do what you love to do.
  • You’re looking for more financial ease: working less and with much greater flow and joy.

If any of the above applies to you, then this 4-week intensive mini-programme is designed just for you!

What can you expect from this powerful mini-programme?

If you think that making more money means hustling more, working hard, and having an intellectually conceptualised strategic plan. Think again!

The reason why you’re not receiving the money you desire is that you have a self-imposed ceiling. You have beliefs and stories around money that, on an subconscious level, you are holding on to. These are restricting the flow of wealth. And really, it’s not your fault. It’s because we perpetuate a lack and poverty-conscious society, where the popular media and politicians emphasise the lack and limitation in our outer world, and we continue to internalise that based on the assumptions and conditioning we’ve absorbing since childhood.

Below is a brief outline of the structure of the mini-programme.

Week 1 – Change your Story

You’ll get to understand what is preventing the flow of money into your life. A lot of this is unconscious, automatic or conditioned, so we’ll be using a powerful energy transformation tool to shift beliefs and money stories from all layers of your energy (and from your cellular memory in particular) in order to elevate your wealth consciousness.

Week 2 – Claiming your Worth

Raise your energetic value by understanding the intrinsic worth of who you are. It’s not about the worth of your achievements or accomplishments, it’s about the worth of YOU. Dive deep into your self-concept and self-worth.

Week 3 – The Creation Technique

Learn a very unique and extremely powerful visualisation method that helps you manifest your vision more quickly. Understand that money needs a significant purpose: a big vision and a big WHY! Let’s get clear on that and bring it into fruition using this creative method.

Week 4 – Meditation & Affirmations

Explore the practice of meditation and EAM-type affirmations to help you maintain faith and conviction in the continuous flow of money into your life.

At the end what can you experience?

  • Greater clarity and self-awareness in relation to money.
  • Heightened confidence and self-belief in the universal flow of abundance.
  • A solid foundation of wealth consciousness to create the life you truly desire.
  • More synchronicities and magical moments of wealth creation.

Times & Dates

Next Cohort Start Date & Time: Monday, 13th November 2023 at 12.30pm GMT. Futher dates agreed via mutual arrangement.

Support & Journalling Prompts

Throughout the 4 week programme you will be supported in a WhatsApp group where you will be given journalling prompts, feedback and advice on any issues or questions you may encounter on your transformational journey.

About Esther


Esther Apoussidis, based in South Wales, UK, is a qualified Meditation Teacher, Energy Alignment and Life Transformation Coach and Holistic Therapist.

Esther’s coaching is all about empowering others to live their most conscious, up-levelled, and fearlessly exalted life. For nearly 5 years, she’s been perfecting her teaching and speaking on energy alignment and transformation, including the laws of the universe, as well as manifestation principles and practices. She uses a special energy kinesiology system involving the body’s “sway” to get you into creative flow. It’s called the Energy Alignment Method.

What’s Stopping You?

We understand that investing in yourself can sometimes raise concerns and objections. Let’s address a few common ones:


“I don’t have the time.” This mini-programme has been designed for individuals with busy lives. The weekly calls last a maximum of 75 minutes, providing a manageable commitment that will fit into your schedule without overwhelming you. You’ll get the recordings too.


“I’m not sure if I’m ready for this.” Feeling unsure is completely normal when embarking on a journey of self-discovery. The programme is specifically designed to guide and support you every step of the way, no matter where you currently find yourself.


“I’m afraid of investing in myself.” Investing in yourself is the most valuable investment you can make. Think of this programme as an opportunity to unlock your true capabilities and create a life blessed with abundance, joy and fulfilment. Esther will help you dislodge the fear and doubt around your ability to manifest what your heart is calling you to do.


“What if I invest and nothing changes?” The whole point of this series is to build that confidence in your abilities to manifest wealth no matter what. Esther guarantees that positive shifts will occur and you will notice the difference both internally and in your external world. But don’t take her word for it…check out what her clients have shared about working with her:

“The fulfilment of your dreams comes through your capacity to accept that you are one with the unlimited creative energy of God / the Universe.”

Here’s what others think about Esther’s training & coaching

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I'm ready!

To make 2023 my best year ever - to create results with ease and flow

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Magnetise Your Money Flow-Opt-In

I'm ready!

To activate money flow with ease and speed

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I'm ready!

To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

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I'm so ready and excited!

To allow the money to flow with greater ease and speed.

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I'm ready!

To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

Congratulations! You've successfully been added to the attendee list! Please do check your inbox, spam or promotion folders for the confirmation email which includes the Zoom link and the link to download the accompanying workbook, which will be an important companion to you in your decision-making process.

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