Re-ignite for 2021


A powerful 2-hour workshop to help you formulate and achieve not SMART goals, but SMARTIE goals. These are goals created from the marriage of head and heart energy. Why is the heart energy an important factor in your success? Because it allows us to generate goals that are intuitive and emotional. When we engage our intuition and feelings we have a more powerful “why” propelling our intentions and actions. We are more excited, fired up and we can sustain the energy to overcome any obstacles that may be strewn across our path.

And what’s really magical is that these goals are created from in-flow energy (when the head and heart are in sync) and therefore result in aligned action. When we take aligned action, the results are quick, effortless and phenomenal. We begin to co-create with the energy of the Universe (spirit energy). Events and people appear magically, seemingly out of nowhere, in our life to help us deliver on our goals (as long as they serve the welfare of all). If you want a bit of this magic to propel your life and business dramatically forward and upwards in 2021, then join us. It’s taking place via Zoom on Tuesday, 15th December 2020 at 7pm GMT.

The workshop has been uniquely created to help you with the following:

  • applaud what you’ve done so far this year, so that you start planning for 2021 flooded with serotonin, dopamine and overall positivity
  • get clear about what you don’t want to attract and what you do want to attract for 2021
  • ensure that the desired goals are in alignment with both your head and heart energy (because without the heart, there is no zest, no inspiration, no creativity and no empowerment to propel you forward)
  • identify the aligned actions towards achieving those goals
  • prioritise these actions so that you hit the ground running.

I’ll be using some of Stephen Covey’s systems for goal-setting and prioritisation in conjunction with some energy alignment work involving the Energy Alignment Method. You will complete the workshop without a shadow of a doubt that you WILL and CAN succeed in 2021! Because you will be fully in flow and definitely singing with all your head and heart energy.

Sign up today and start believing that you can and will achieve your heart’s desire in 2021. Your success is inevitable.

Please note that 24 hours before the event, you will receive an email with the Zoom link and the accompanying workbook and EAM guide.


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I'm ready!

To make 2023 my best year ever - to create results with ease and flow

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Magnetise Your Money Flow-Opt-In

I'm ready!

To activate money flow with ease and speed

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I'm ready!

To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

Congratulations! You've successfully been added to the Invite list! Please do check your spam and promotion folders for the email invite which will be sent around a minute after sign-up. The email will include both the Zoom call link and a link to download the accompanying workbook which will be invaluable to you in your intuitive decision-making practice.


I'm so ready and excited!

To allow the money to flow with greater ease and speed.

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I'm ready!

To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

Congratulations! You've successfully been added to the attendee list! Please do check your inbox, spam or promotion folders for the confirmation email which includes the Zoom link and the link to download the accompanying workbook, which will be an important companion to you in your decision-making process.

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