
Recognising Dharma
Recognising Dharma

Sometimes we know what our life’s calling is from a young age. Our soul has already progressed to understand what it needs to be liberated; to live in full energy flow or alignment (Kriya energy). However, sometimes we don’t know from the outset what our Dharma is or even that we’re here on this planet to reveal and express it.

To unravel and connect with our Dharma, we have to acknowledge, understand and embrace our passions, gifts and life’s experiences (to date). To help you complete this exercise in recognising your own Dharma, I share with you my passions and gifts as well as my top 5 life’s lessons. From these I’ve interpreted my life’s calling (I’m now 56, so it’s never too late). You can do the same and if you need help interpreting this, simply book a call with me to discuss.

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From Darkness to Lightness of Being
From Darkness to Lightness of Being

Our one true journey, or mission in life, whilst on this planet is to move ourselves from darkness to lightness of being. This is what I call an awakening and stirring of the soul to shine its light.
When we’re truly living our Dharma, our life or soul’s purpose, we enter a lightness of being. We are doing something that uniquely expresses who we are, we are energetically in flow (Kriya energy). We are experiencing unbridled egoless passion and enthusiasm (which literally means God within). We have also distanced ourselves from our fear-based ego and we live to expand the energy not just in our own microcosm, but positively influence the lives of others through the ripple effect in the quantum universe.
The darkness is what Eckhart Tolle, German-born spiritual teacher and best-selling author, calls our pain body. This article further explores what this is and how we can transform the pain or darkness in our lives and embrace a lightness of being in living our Dharma (soul’s purpose).

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It’s Never Too Late to Quit the Day Job
It’s Never Too Late to Quit the Day Job

Covid has taught us that there is no such thing as job security. The only thing we can be sure of is that we are the only ones who have control over our lives, no one has that responsibility. We make of it what we will! If you’re searching for more meaning, more fulfilment, know that we all have an inherent potential and calling to be more than we think we are. When we learn to let go of the fear and surrender to the process, we can really begin to uncover and fulfil our life’s purpose – embrace our true Dharma and embody Ikigai.

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The Scourge of Comparisonitis and How to Deal with It – Part III
The Scourge of Comparisonitis and How to Deal with It – Part III

In Part I we learn that comparisonitis is a conditioned response. In this Part II this phenomenon is examined as a poverty or scarcity mentality.
In this third and final part of the comparisonitis blog series, we see that comparisonitis can (often unwittingly) be caused by a behaviour of conditioned merit and love.
This article also gives some prompts or methods for overcoming the scourge of comparisonitis in all its guises, including journaling, meditation, gratitude, Energy Alignment Method.

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The Scourge of Comparisonitis and How to Deal with It – Part II
The Scourge of Comparisonitis and How to Deal with It – Part II

In Part I we learn that comparisonitis is a conditioned response. In this Part II of the blog sequence we talk about this phenomenon as a lack mindset. This poverty mentality is founded on two core beliefs that: 1)
resources are limited – that there’s never enough to go around; and 2) there’s something missing in us to achieve success – that we have to look outside to up-level our skills, knowledge and capabilities.

The negative energy associated with limiting belief perpetuates through the quantum field and the Law of Attraction a condition of more lack and an embedded belief of not enough (externally and internally).

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The Scourge of Comparisonitis and How to Deal with It – Part I
The Scourge of Comparisonitis and How to Deal with It – Part I

Comparisonitis very often stems from a feeling of not being good enough, of not valuing ourselves, of not being satisfied with who we are and what we have. It is closely associated with the desire to be perfect in everything we do.

We are so often conditioned by a society that places merit on external validation, on recognisable achievements and awards. We get a “pat on the back” when we’ve done well in our exams, we get promoted when we’ve been the top salesperson, we feel honoured and validated when someone has taken the time to recommend us for a job well done.

I’m not immune to this type of conditioning. My mother was a German perfectionist – nothing less than top notch would do. My father was a free-spirited entrepreneur, less of a perfectionist, but still he valued a degree education and top grades as a mark of a distinguished, capable and erudite person. He prized intellect, knowledge and learning.

Comparisonitis can have a crippling effect on us if we don’t break its cycle.

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Midlife Crisis or Midlife Awakening?
Midlife Crisis or Midlife Awakening?

At 45 I started my own business for the very first time. I was fed up having my hands tied, having a management title, but no real freedom to make my own decisions. I was caught up in the excitement and whirlwind of running a successful company , but it came at a cost! Little did I understand about energy. When you sacrifice self-care and time for others, there is a huge cost which will prove the undoing of you and your business. But I’ve now discovered there was a silver-lining in this cloud for I came to understand the importance of energy alignment and how this factors in creating a fulfilling and uplifting life and successful business. If you’re stuck, in trouble, or at a midlife crossroads seeking more fulfilment and freedom, then read this article and find out more.

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Why Self-belief Matters!
Why Self-belief Matters!

We have a lot of pre-conceptions about who we believe ourselves to be. Indeed, our beliefs are what influence the results in our life. What we think, we create, both for the positive and the negative. Conditioning during childhood and the power of our subconscious mind can hold us captive to self-doubt, unless we have the tools and the growth mindset to overcome this. This article explores this topic in more detail and shares stories of famous people who have gone through the self-doubt mill. What is essentially important is that we attach ourselves to a clear vision or mission in life (Dharma) and that we disconnect from the ego and the outcome of our efforts in the knowledge that we serve a higher purpose.

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Creativity Demystified
Creativity Demystified

Most people see creativity as a sacred realm, haunted by the privileged few who are somehow blessed with special gifts and insight. In this article I want to debunk a few myths around creativity particularly in regard to its origin and accessibility. In this article we learn that creativity is not just a right-brain activity and it’s not the domain of the gifted. We all are creative geniuses, but we just need to learn how to break down the barriers to creativity and connect to the wellspring of inspiration that is our heart.

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To learn about how to make intuitive choices, that are in alignment with my higher self, and to finally overcome the anxiety of experiencing dilemmas and doubts.

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